【 YunokiRoom 】の商品 - P1 - DMMの通信販売

【無料】Featheria Online
While all players are visiting Featheria in order to have fun, you are an virgin, stuck at home reading visual novels after an part-time job at an convenience store. After wishing to live in Featheria, you and your Belgian friend Maddox illegally entered Featheria where you and him are being pressured by hard labour by the corrupt Featheria guards and the goddess saves you both. Featheria Online is the first game in the Featheria series made by Chinatsu Cafe, YunokiRoom and Vanillalime! This time, it focuses on the reader going on misadventures in the unfamiliar world known as Featheria, set in the sky with their friend Maddox from Belgium. Will you go back to Earth or stay in Featheria? Well, find out in Featheria Online!※全編英語表記の作品となります。

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