Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagician's Guide to Lightning Calculation and Amazing Math Tricks の感想



タイトルSecrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagician's Guide to Lightning Calculation and Amazing Math Tricks
製作者Arthur Benjamin
販売元Three Rivers Press
カテゴリ » 洋書 » By Publisher » Random House


Arthur Benjamin, likely the greatest mental math number cruncher who is not a savant, shares his techniques in this book, a priceless resource to the upper elementary or higher Mathematics teacher or to any person who wants to exercise and sharpen their mathematical mind.
This very user-friendly book takes the reader step-by-step through the methodologies successfully employed by mathemagician Arthur Benjamin, professor at Harvey Mudd College, to accurately perform complex math calculations without the use of pencil and paper. Professor Benjamin teaches his unique approach to mental math, an approach that even a Grade Five child may master with practice.
If you do not know about Arthur Benjamin just Google him and add mathemagician. The interested teacher may also find excellent DVD content on Arthur Benjamin and his love of math and methods of mental math at The Teaching Company.

Often need figures at work, and this is a pretty much fun way to become really quick in calculaiton.




Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagician's Guide to Lightning Calculation and Amazing Math Tricks

Three Rivers Pressから発売されたArthur BenjaminのSecrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagician's Guide to Lightning Calculation and Amazing Math Tricks(JAN:9780307338402)の感想と評価
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