From Oz to Kansas: Almost Every Black and White Conversion Technique Known to Man (Voices That Matter) の感想



タイトルFrom Oz to Kansas: Almost Every Black and White Conversion Technique Known to Man (Voices That Matter)
製作者Vincent Versace
販売元New Riders
カテゴリSubjects » Arts & Photography » Photography » Black & White


This book is not a manual (the author’s own words); however, it does encompass a vast gamut of the Versace’s photographic approaches and personal philosophy. I have not yet worked my way through the book but, so far, it has been engrossing. Versace encourages a disciplined approach to the chapters, stressing the importance of completing each chapter in turn, even where the lesson seems of peripheral interest. Wise words, I think, as there is much valuable information to be gleaned in this pages. Highly recommended.



From Oz to Kansas: Almost Every Black and White Conversion Technique Known to Man (Voices That Matter)

New Ridersから発売されたVincent VersaceのFrom Oz to Kansas: Almost Every Black and White Conversion Technique Known to Man (Voices That Matter)(JAN:登録されていません)の感想と評価
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