The Constant Gardener の感想



タイトルThe Constant Gardener
製作者John le Carre
販売元Simon & Schuster Audio
カテゴリAudiocassettes » Authors, A-Z » ( L ) » Le Carre, John


I don’t think that any thinking man can or should genuinely keep out of politics, in an age like the present one.
The writer should not be excluded. I don’t think that he has the right, merely on the score of his sensibilities, to shirk the ordinary dirty work of politics. Just as much as anyone else, he should be prepared to deliver lectures in draughty halls, to chalk pavements, to canvass voters, to distribute leaflets, even to fight in civil wars if it seems necessary.
Roughly speaking, most of the above sentences are what George Orwell said many years ago. If I were forced to choose a writer who lives up to the principle among our contemporaries, I would choose John le Carre. One may safely say that he is the successor of George Orwell. He has not yet forgiven the American government and media, and the British government and media because they took the world to Iraq War under the false pretense that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. He has been expressing his



The Constant Gardener

Simon & Schuster Audioから発売されたJohn le CarreのThe Constant Gardener(JAN:9780743504317)の感想と評価
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