The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists の感想



タイトルThe Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists
製作者Neil Strauss
販売元It Books
カテゴリ » 洋書 » By Publisher » HarperCollins


I enjoyed Neil’s story very much. It is great that he shared his 2 years long experience in picking up girls. I also learned a lot of things from this book and consider it very valuable. I think that even at the beginning Style is a brave and above average men because few will dare to explore the "dark" side of the male sexuality and pick up techniques.

Few will say: "Enough, I want something more" when they have had so many hot girls. If you know how to read between the lines there is a lot you can learn. Strauss is a master story teller and keeps you excited what will happen next. Talking about girls and a lot of sex I also highly recommend "Scientifically guaranteed male multiple orgasms and ultimate sex" by scientist Ritz. Both books are first class!




The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

It Booksから発売されたNeil StraussのThe Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists(JAN:9780060554736)の感想と評価
2017 - copyright© みんこみゅ - アマゾン商品の感想と評価 all rights reserved.