The Moon and Sixpence (Bibliolife Reproduction) の感想



タイトルThe Moon and Sixpence (Bibliolife Reproduction)
製作者W. Somerset Maugham
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The story of Charles Strickland is based on Paul Gauguin’s life. This story begins with the following sentence; “I confess that when first I made acquaintance with Charles Strickland I never for a moment discerned that there was in him anything out of the ordinary.”
But in fact, Charles Strickland abandons his job as a stockbroker, his family of four, and his entire life in England unannounced to pursue painting in France. In this transitional move to France he becomes indifferent to people and their emotions. Some could consider him cruel, while others find his honesty refreshing, but, either way, he shows no affection to those who enter his life or those who leave it. The book follows Strickland and his work from France to Tahiti, where the story ends. Strickland’s unwillingness to compromise for his pursuit of art is unbelievable.  
It is shocking to learn that the great artist was so treacherous to those who had benefited him. But it may that he could not have had great




The Moon and Sixpence (Bibliolife Reproduction)

BiblioLifeから発売されたW. Somerset MaughamのThe Moon and Sixpence (Bibliolife Reproduction)(JAN:9781103346424)の感想と評価
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