Robert Frost's Poems の感想



タイトルRobert Frost's Poems
製作者Robert Frost
販売元St Martins Mass Market Paper
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I remember that when I was having a hard time in America, I was greatly encouraged by Robert Frost’s poems, which I happened to get hold of in a New York library. Until then I had an impression that poems are generally so full of metaphors and similes that it is difficult to get their point. But Frost’s poems were not the case.
It was as though I could hear a voice speaking to me, a friendly American voice, with no humbug in it, no moral purpose, merely an implicit assumption that we were all alike. The whole atmosphere of his poems was so deeply familiar to me that I had all the while the feeling that what was happening to the author was happening to me.
Unlike many other poets, he doesn’t claim from the reader an effort to understand his meaning. I think that it is safe to say that one has only to go to Robert Frost to see that it is possible to express with lucidity the most subtle reflections. Especially I was heartened by “Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening”




Robert Frost's Poems

St Martins Mass Market Paperから発売されたRobert FrostのRobert Frost's Poems(JAN:9780312983321)の感想と評価
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