Nikola Tesla: Imagination and the Man That Invented the 20th Century (English Edition) の感想



タイトルNikola Tesla: Imagination and the Man That Invented the 20th Century (English Edition)
製作者Sean Patrick
販売元Oculus Publishers
カテゴリ » 洋書 » Subjects » Biographies & Memoirs


What makes a genius? Is it talent? Is it luck? Is it something more?

Nikola Tesla was a man with vision. He saw the world and was driven to make it great. If not for misfortune and the rage of greedy men he could have changed the world in ways that can only be guessed at. His contributions to the twentieth century are only now being fully realised. This is the fascinating and heart wrenching story of his life.

This book was riveting. Nikola Tesla crafted so many amazing inventions, many of which are still lost to the ages. It would be astounding to see what the world would have been if not for the grudges laid out by Edison and Co.

What is. What was. What could have been.

A fascinating history of an amazing man.




Nikola Tesla: Imagination and the Man That Invented the 20th Century (English Edition)

Oculus Publishersから発売されたSean PatrickのNikola Tesla: Imagination and the Man That Invented the 20th Century (English Edition)(JAN:登録されていません)の感想と評価
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