Edgar Allan Poe: Poetry and Tales (Library of America) の感想



タイトルEdgar Allan Poe: Poetry and Tales (Library of America)
製作者Edgar Allan Poe
販売元Library of America
カテゴリ » 洋書 » By Publisher » Penguin Books


It’s not actually a review of Poe’s works, for I don’t think it is necessary. Poe has been admired worldwide for many years as an unrivaled master of horror and suspense, the creator of the detective story and an excellent poet, and I can only add that if you somehow failed to read The Raven, Ulalume, Ligeia, The Fall of the House of Usher (how could that happen?), to name but a few, you’ve missed some of the finest works ever written in the English language.
My review is intended for those who, as I did some time ago, have decided that their library lacks a definitive edition of Poe’s works and now are searching for a good edition, puzzled by the great number of complete editions offered.
First of all I’d like to say that it’s a very handsome, extremely well made volume. The paper is thin, maybe too thin, but it makes the book not so big and heavy as one could expect. The print isn’t small.
The volume contains all POEtry and fiction(except poems ascribed to Poe or




Edgar Allan Poe: Poetry and Tales (Library of America)

Library of Americaから発売されたEdgar Allan PoeのEdgar Allan Poe: Poetry and Tales (Library of America)(JAN:9780940450189)の感想と評価
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