All Quiet on the Western Front の感想



タイトルAll Quiet on the Western Front
製作者Erich Maria Remarque
販売元Ballantine Books
カテゴリ » 洋書 » By Publisher » Random House


Erich Maria Remarque did a great job with his story. Being first person in view gave you the feeling that you were there. To add to this he is a very good writer.
Not being in the Great War, I can only imagine the technology of the time and trust in old war movies. Also this is a foreign culture in a foreign time. People there had a tendency to trust and respect their elders unquestionably.
Being of the Vietnam era I could however relate to the parts about the different personalities and some of the war situations and attitudes. I could appreciate the river crossing at night and the defending of the deserted town. I even liked the cat that they befriended in the story. We had a dog that was named Followme, which was one of the few that did not end up in a pot. I even could feel the anxiety of not fighting and just waiting for action. The only major difference is the question of do you want the people to be behind you to push you on or cheer you on, or doing the same job




All Quiet on the Western Front

Ballantine Booksから発売されたErich Maria RemarqueのAll Quiet on the Western Front(JAN:9780449213940)の感想と評価
2017 - copyright© みんこみゅ - アマゾン商品の感想と評価 all rights reserved.