Path of Daggers (Wheel of Time) の感想



タイトルPath of Daggers (Wheel of Time)
製作者Robert Jordan
販売元New Millenium Audio
カテゴリAudio CDs » Authors, A-Z » ( J ) » Jordan, Robert


This book, in my opinion, mantains Jordans high standards and is an improvement on the last book. Once more the pace is slow and you need to be prepared for this. It won’t suit all people no matter how detailed a world he is building up this way. Personally I love this. It makes a marvellous contrast to other books such as the Malazan Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson. Both are different but excellent in their own ways. Its good to read books of variety in pacing.
However, Jordan did get a little bogged down occasionally in the last book which I would give 4 stars for this reason. Crown of swords is different. I never once felt that a passage was unneccessary and all the detail simply added up to paint a wonderful picture of another world.
Some would say tht nothing happens in much of this book. I disagree, we see a subtle developments in character interaction particualrly between Mat, Elayne and Nynaeve, the intruduction of new elements to the world (true source



Path of Daggers (Wheel of Time)

New Millenium Audioから発売されたRobert JordanのPath of Daggers (Wheel of Time)(JAN:9781590073353)の感想と評価
2017 - copyright© みんこみゅ - アマゾン商品の感想と評価 all rights reserved.