Transgressions の感想



製作者Ed McBain
販売元Chivers Sound Library
カテゴリAudiocassettes » Authors, A-Z » ( O ) » Oates, Joyce Carol


‘The Corn Maiden’ by Joyce Carol Oates is a very important book. You know America has a lot of problems both domestically and internationally, and it may be that the country is in its terminal condition in terms of illness. But in spite of such conditions, I cannot help feeling the tremendous width of this country in that such a writer as Oates has come into the picture.
This is, so to speak, a psychological crime novel, perhaps the first that was ever written. For example, why did Mark David Chapman kill John Lennon? Why did that 25-year-old young man kill 7 people in Akihabara? We know that they did an unforgivable act, but we don’ know what motivated them to do it. Eventually we are inclined to conclude that they are crazy. But if there is anything we can learn from such crimes, it is to learn the motivations to have driven them to such atrocities, and by so doing we may make use of the information for the bettering of the society.
‘The Corn Maiden’ by Joyce Carol Oates




Chivers Sound Libraryから発売されたEd McBainのTransgressions(JAN:9780792736318)の感想と評価
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