William Shatner and Leornard Nimoy の感想



タイトルWilliam Shatner and Leornard Nimoy
製作者Robert Heinlein
カテゴリ » 洋書 » By Publisher » HarperCollins


I only wanted "Mimsy Were the Borogoves" and it did come separate on tape and even on vinyl at one time. It did not hurt to get the rest of the tapes. Foundation: The Psychohistorians is what the Foundation trilogy is all about and the newer foundation books you can read the separate reviews. The Martian Chronicles is ok but I do not want to spend time reviewing this section, as better reviews will be under the book description.
However Mimsy is a different animal. So I will say something about this. It is a small sci-fi story about a formula that allows you into an alternate universe that everyone used to have access to. The problem with getting there is that it requires a different paradigm and a formula. The paradigm requires a mindset that diapers as we get older and the formula is in front of us if we know where to look. An added plus is that it is read to us enthusiastically by William Shatner



William Shatner and Leornard Nimoy

HarperAudioから発売されたRobert HeinleinのWilliam Shatner and Leornard Nimoy(JAN:9781559948845)の感想と評価
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