Peril at End House の感想



タイトルPeril at End House
製作者Agatha Christie
販売元Macmillan Audio Books
カテゴリAudio CDs » Authors, A-Z » ( C ) » Christie, Agatha


Peril at End House is about charming Nick Buckley’s many escapes from death, and the tragedy that befalls her sister. After many attemped murders, the murderer finally thinks they have killed Nick. The murderer, however, had killed her sister, who was wearing NIck’s shawl.
This is one of Agatha Christie’s best books. It is suspenseful and the psychological build-up of the story is wonderful. The reader cannot decide who did it, as each character has a different opinion on the matter. Although there are several characters, all are fully developed and have their own suspicious ways. Every character has a strong motive and the oppurtunity, but the ending is quite surprising. The solution is beleivable and complex, and lets the reader end on a high note. A must read for all mystery and crime novel lovers.



Peril at End House

Macmillan Audio Booksから発売されたAgatha ChristieのPeril at End House(JAN:9781405088626)の感想と評価
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