Photography in Japan 1853-1912 の感想



タイトルPhotography in Japan 1853-1912
製作者Terry Bennett
販売元Tuttle Publishing
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Many of us have grown up on the myths of Japan, on the fairly tale land of samurai and geisha, of castles and 10 foot square huts. Like the knights of Europe, it can be hard to distinguish between the real living beings and the legends. However, fortunately for a brief moment the ancient and the modern intersected, and cameras were able to capture a feudal society on the brink of change. Cameras are like time machines. One little click of a button, and a small slice of the past is captured and preserved, opening a window from then to now, and allowing modern people to experience something so far lost as to almost be unreal. While they seem to be relatively modern inventions, cameras have been around for over a century, and the images captured from so long ago are a fantastic treasure.

"Photography in Japan 1853-1912" is much more than just a picture book, however. It is a complete education on the history of photography in Japan, from its barren beginnings to its



Photography in Japan 1853-1912

Tuttle Publishingから発売されたTerry BennettのPhotography in Japan 1853-1912(JAN:9780804836333)の感想と評価
2017 - copyright© みんこみゅ - アマゾン商品の感想と評価 all rights reserved.