Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain の感想



タイトルSelf Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain
製作者Antonio Damasio
カテゴリ » 洋書 » By Publisher » Random House


Together with the author’s previous book (in 1994) Descartes’ Error, this book also is a work of materialistic scientists, who are trying to explain everything of scientific phenomena on the basis of current materialistic science. This science assumes that our physical world is a closed system.
There is a saying in logic that if a Cretan says “All Cretans are liars,” the statement is not reliable. Perhaps the Cretan should logically correctly say that “All Cretans except me are liars.” This example admonishes that in logic avoid self-reference.
A similar situation exists in neuroscience (that should be logically correct) that if a neuroscientist says using his Brain that “My self-consciousness is essentially an emergence of my Brain’s function.” Maybe the scientist is logically correct in saying that “My patient’s self-consciousness is essentially an emergence of his Brain’s function.” However, the statement reflects to the scientist him-/her-self. Hence, the statement is




Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain

Vintageから発売されたAntonio DamasioのSelf Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain(JAN:9780307474957)の感想と評価
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