Dracula の感想



製作者Bram Stoker
カテゴリLiterature & Fiction » Authors, A-Z » ( S ) » Stoker, Bram


Many men of letters in the world look upon Bram Stoker’s ’Dracula’ as a masterpiece of the nineteenth-century horror fiction, but it is confused and hard to read. The book is written in the form of journal entries, letters, newspaper articles, etc. Nothing is narrated from any disembodied voice. Only physical recordable media.
This means that 7 main characters, and other accessory characters appear as narrators. Yet as I read, I often had to go back a few pages to see who was narrating, since every character speaks in the same way, and holds the very same opinions and ideas. Of course it may be partly on account of my inadequate ability to understand English.
But why are they so afraid of Count Dracula? After all, he is alone, while they are at least seven. In the novel Dr. Seward, the leader of them, appeals to the others for their solidarity to fight against Dracula.
’My friends, this is much; it is a terrible task that we undertake, and there may be consequence to

Surprisingly “Denn die Toten reiten schnell” or “For the dead travel fast” is more than an opening line to this tale of love in the dangerous moon light. After watching several Drac movies and a few Nosferatu’s, I pretty much though I had a handle on the genera. Little did I know what a wonderful world of mystery and suspense that Bram Stoker opened up for me.

The story is told mostly third party though the papers, diaries, and phonograph recordings (on wax cylinders) of those people involve in a tale so bizarre that it almost defies belief. The general story line is that of a Count that plans to move to a more urban setting (from Borgo Pass to London) where there is a richer diet. There he finds succulent women; something he can sing his teeth in. Unfortunately for him a gang of ruffians (including a real-estate agent, asylum director, Texas cowboy and an Old Dutch abnormal psychologist) is out to detour his nocturnal munching. They think they have Drac on the run but





Bram StokerのDracula(JAN:登録されていません)の感想と評価
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