Silent Spring の感想



タイトルSilent Spring
製作者Rachel Carson
販売元Mariner Books
カテゴリ洋書 » Subjects » Outdoors & Nature » Environment


This book is actually the first book which dealt with environmental problem in 1962, and we can say that this book arouse the public interest which brought the recent movement on environmental problems.
Since this book is organized very well, and developed logically, it is very easy for the readers to follow the author’s main ideas. Though there are some technical terms which are unfamiliar to most readers, the examples provided in each chapter help readers to understand the main point clearly.
Also, the argument is persuasive enough to move the readers and make them aware of the hazard of overusing pesticides. In fact, specific examples of the present situation are very useful for the readers to get the clear picture of what is actually happening around us.
Although this book is written 40 years ago, the problem, unfortunatelly, still remains; however, through this book, we can learn many important facts about environment, and take some action to improve the situation




Silent Spring

Mariner Booksから発売されたRachel CarsonのSilent Spring(JAN:登録されていません)の感想と評価
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