What Do You Want to Create Today?: Build the Life You Want at Work の感想



タイトルWhat Do You Want to Create Today?: Build the Life You Want at Work
製作者Bob, Dr. Tobin
販売元Benbella Books
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I read the book twice already. This is a book I always would like to keep by my side and read from time to time. The book is intended for the business audience, but I find it useful for people who want to improve their private lives as well. Life sometimes brings obstacles unexpectedly, and this book offers effective strategies to navigate through life at such difficult times.

This books is unique and different from other books on similar topics,in a way that places priority on having one’s dream to have a successful and happy work life. Many books would rather emphasize the importance of setting goals or objectives. That approach is indeed important, but I find a focus on one’s dream is a better way to lead a happy life. If one is too narrowly focused on meeting objectives without reference to a bigger dream, one may indeed succeed in business, but at the same time the quality of success is not guranteed. One may have to sacrifice a lot of things to achieve a certain




What Do You Want to Create Today?: Build the Life You Want at Work

Benbella Booksから発売されたBob, Dr. TobinのWhat Do You Want to Create Today?: Build the Life You Want at Work(JAN:9781940363158)の感想と評価
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